Cornelia's page

My name is Cornelia I'm one of the travel companions. Right here it is my task to tell you something about myself. Generally my tactics are to invite you to drop by and I'd talk until your ears drop of - my babble is notorious - but that's not an option. So I'll leave you to see for yourself on this "profile" of mine.

Actually it wasn't my idea to do a world trip. It started when Fabrice and I had decided to visit Australia. And then, just one afternoon, Fabrice came home and said: "What if we went overland?"

I must have reflected for at least half a second and said: "ok", not yet fully realizing the consequences.

You're reading one of them.

Click on these pictures to read more about other consequences of my quick decisions

I have this list of things that I would like to do in my life. Spend some time Siberia in winter was one of them, so I insisted on the Trans-Siberian express.

This trip was initially a means to get to Australia. But to me, after some reading about the countries we're about to visit our journey has become a goal in itself instead of the means it was before.

click on the picture for some other topics on my list

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