Books and Movies

The following books and movies have, each in their own way, contributed to some impressions we have of several countries we are going to visit, their history, culture, atmosphere. Whether these are correct we'll soon find out.

For your information: Fabrice is the King of the travel guides and the discoverer of magazines. Cornelia the one preferring novels, in search for atmosphere, daily life or history and loves laying back lazily behind the screen.

Only authors and titles are listed, there is no specific order in the list, and we have probably not mentioned everything. All sorts and standards are available, categorised by the different bullets.













Myanmar (Burma)





Travel Guide

Book / Novel


Comic book


Computer / Internet

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Joshua Piven, Davis Borgenicht. Het Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handboek op Reis

Simon Joukes. Medisch Handboek voor de Wereldreiziger

Frans Timmerhuis. Handboek voor de Wereldreiziger

Redmond O'Hanlon e.a. Bad Trips (This book brought Cornelia to open the Travel Story Contest )

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National Geographic: Reinventing Berlin, December 1996

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Jules Brown, Mark Sinclair, S. Andrew Spooner. The Rough Guide to Scandinavia

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Jules Brown, Mark Sinclair, S. Andrew Spooner. The Rough Guide to Scandinavia

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Katja Pantzar. The Hip Guide to Helsinki

Jules Brown, Mark Sinclair, S. Andrew Spooner. The Rough Guide to Scandinavia

Anton Quintana. Padjelanta (Op leven en dood in de toendra)

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Tolstoy: War and Peace
(complete version available on internet:


John Foster Frasier: The Real Siberia
(complete version available on internet: Fraser)


Hugo Pratt: Corto Maltese en Siberie

Bryn Thomas (Trailblazer): Trans-Siberian Handbook

Iwan Toergenjev: Vaders en Zonen

Yevtushenko: Selected Poems

Julia Voznesenskaya: Vrouwendecamerone

Boris Pasternak: The last Summer

Martin Cruz Smith: Gorky Park
Martin Cruz Smith: Polar Star

Tom Bradby: The White Russian

Jevgeni Jevtoesjenko: Sterf niet voor je dood

Colin Thubron: In Siberia

National Geographic: Trans-Siberian Railroad, June 1998

National Geographic: Moscow, the New Revolution, April 1997

National Geographic: Siberian Tigers, February 1997

Grands Reportages: Russie, le Baikal: une Mer dans la Taiga, February 2002

Grands Reportages: Transsiberien, L'Odyssee du train Mythique, October 2002

The Russian Arch

Tycoon, un nouveau Russe

October (silent Lenin propaganda movie with live piano music!)

B. Sokal: Syberia (computer game)
B. Sokal: Syberia II (computer game)

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Claire Sermier: Mongolia, Empire of the Steppes

Louisa Waugh: Hearing Birds Fly. A Nomadic Year in Mongolia

Grands Reportages: Mongolie, Le Chant des Steppes, February 2003

Terre Sauvage: Hiver en Mongolie, March 2001

National Geographic: Genghis Khan, December 1996

National Geographic: The Great Khans, February 1997

l'histoire du chameau qui pleurt (Die Geschichte des weinendes Kameles)
(Actually, we saw it afterwards, but it brought back great memories!)

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Online guide with attractions that are not in the books!

Le Grand Guide de la Chine, ed. Gallimard

Lonely Planet: China

JD Brown: Frommer's China: The 50 Most Memorable Trips.

Redirige par Qi Xing: Guide de Chine

Samenstelling & Vertaling: Daan Bronkhorst. Honderd Chinese Gedichten
Read one of Cornelia's dream poems (Dutch only).

Vertaling & Essays: Daan Bronkhorst. Drieduizend Jaar Chinese Poesie

Sterling Seagrave: Dragon Lady

Robert van Gulik - Some stories from the de "Judge Tie" -series (Rechter Tie)

Jung Chang: Wild Swans

Les Innommables, Yann & Conrad, Dargaud editions

Grands Reportages: Le Mekong, September 2003

National Geographic: China Treasures, October 2001

National Geographic: Beijing, March 2000

National Geographic: China's Unknown Gobi, January 2002

National Geographic: Driving the Great Wall, January 2003

Raise the Red Lantern

Crouching Tiger, Sleeping Dragon

Balzac et la Petit Tailleuse Chinoise / Balzac en het Chinese Naaistertje

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Graham Greene: The Quiet American

John Colet & Joshua Eliot (Footprint Handbooks): Vietnam Handbook

Guide Neos Vietnam

Mark Elliott (Trailblazer): South-East Asia, the graphic guide

Iles: Vietnam, Les Iles de la Baie d'Halong, September 1995

Grands Reportages: Tresors de la Route Mandarine, March 2002

National Geographic: The Mekong River, February 1993


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Mark Elliott (Trailblazer): South-East Asia, the graphic guide

Lonely Planet: Le Laos

Andre Malraux: La Voie Royale

Grands Reportages: Le Mekong, September 2002

National Geographic: The Mekong River, February 1993

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Mark Elliott (Trailblazer): South-East Asia, the graphic guide

Lonely Planet: Cambodia

Andre Malraux: La Voie Royale

Grands Reportages: Le Mekong, September 2002

GEO: Cambodge, une Renaissance sous Tension, May 2003

National Geographic: The Mekong River, February 1993

The Killing Fields (Including a reportage of the recent history of Cambodia and the Red Khmer)

The city of Ghosts

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Mark Elliott (Trailblazer): South-East Asia, the graphic guide

Lonely Planet: Le Thailande

Joshua Eliot (Footprint Handbooks): Thailand Handbook

Grands Reportages: Thailande, Douceur du Siam, February 2001

National Geographic: The Many Faces of Thailand, February 1996

The Beach

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Myanmar (Burma)

Mark Elliott (Trailblazer): South-East Asia, the graphic guide

Lonely Planet: Myanmar (Burma)

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Mark Elliott (Trailblazer): South-East Asia, the graphic guide

Grands Reportages: explorer le monde

GEO, un nouveau monde: la terre

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Indonesië Reisbibliotheek: Kalimantan, Borneo

Bill Dalton: Indonesia Handbook

Periplus Travel Guides: Java, Garden of the East

Mark Elliott (Trailblazer): South-East Asia, the graphic guide

Hella Haase. Oeroeg

Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Meisje van het strand

Sijtje Koedijk. De hemel ziet blauw van de dagen

Grands Reportages: Bali, Java, un Paradis a Retrouver, November 2002

GEO: Indonesie, Superbe et Menacee, November 1997

National Geographic: Irian Jaya, February 1996

National Geographic: Indonesia: Living Dangerously, March 2001

Paradise Road (actually, we didn't see it yet; it's on the list)

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All those free guide-magazines at the Tourist Information desk!!!

Terry Pratchett. The Lost Continent. A Disc World Novel.

National Geographic Traveler: Australia

National Geographic: Australia's Dog Fence, April 1997

National Geographic: A Harsh Awakening Australia, July 2000

The all time favourite TV-series: "Flying Docters"

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