The Witches Cauldron

All sorts of things go into the witches cauldron.


On this page there are all sorts of links and info that are not part of the other categories in the gateway. You will find all kinds of surprises, amongst which links to other world traveller's home pages and Cornelia's Travel Story Contest.

Other world travellers

Background information

Travel Story Contest


World Traveller's Sites

Background information


Travel Story Contest

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Links to other world traveller's home pages

Site of our friend Mike, with whom we toured in Mongolia

John and Stef's internetsite of their world trip with many, many links to other sites

Pierre Polet's very well documented homepage for all travellers

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Links to pages with general background information

Rivers in Siberia & Central Asia

Berlin background

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Cornelia's Travel Story Contest

Cornelia was a bit disappointed when reading a booklet called "Bad Trips" in which fragments of several books, sometimes ripped out of their context, were joined. She thought, "this can be done better". So here's the challenge:

Write a travel story and join the contest.

Here are the rules:
The story should be

- fun to read and not too long

- about an excellent, horrendous, remarkable, etc... trip, somewhere on earth

- fiction or real

- in the language you want to
(but preferably English, French, or Dutch so we can read and enjoy it as well)


Your story and name will be placed on the WhereOnEarth Internet Site. Pictures won't be placed on the website unless you make a comic story.

The best storytellers win a free diner with Cornelia and Fabrice, somewhere on earth (travel and hotel costs not included)!

Join the contest by sending your story to Cornelia.


Bad trip (written by: Cornelia)

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