Photos Mongolia

Trans-Mongolian & Ulan Bator

Gobi & Kharkhorin

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The "Trans-Mongolian Express" and Ulan Bator

Train No. 264 (The "Trans-Mongolian Express")

Ulan Bator

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Train No. 264: The "Trans-Mongolian Express"

The wagons are heated with coal

The wagons are heated with coal - the smell of it is engraved in our memories.

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Ulan Bator

Traditional Mongol wrestlers before the tournament

Traditional Mongol wrestlers before the tournament

The wrestlers and the judges

The wrestlers and the judges

Cornelia and a Mongolian dino

Cornelia and a Mongolian dino

Fab in danger


Choijin Lama Temple in Ulaan Bator

Choijin Lama Temple in Ulaan Bator

Palace from Bogd Kahn in Ulaan Bator

Palace from Bogd Kahn in Ulaan Bator

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Excursion to the Gobi desert and Kharkhorin


Touristy bits

Life in the Gobi desert


Ulan Bator

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The team

The Gobi team

The Gobi team:
Aruna (cook), Michel (Canadian), Fab, Laurent (French), Bayara (driver)
Cornelia and Doan (French)

Russian minivan in the Gobi mountains

Russian minivan in the Gobi mountains

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Touristy bits in the Gobi Desert

Cornelia and Fab in front of the flaming cliffs of Bayanzag

Cornelia and Fab in front of the flaming cliffs of Bayanzag

Yolyn Am frozen gorge

Yolyn Am: a frozen gorge

Rendy and Plukje in front of the Khongoryn Els sand dunes

Rendy and Plukje in front of the Khongoryn Els sand dunes

The frozen Orkhon waterfall

The frozen waterfall at Orkhon

Fab dressed up for an extreme camel ride

Extreme camel ride

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Life in the Gobi Desert


Horse decoration on a Ovo, a Buddhist holy stone heap

Evening activities in the ger: chess and knuckle-bones

Evening activities in the ger: chess ...

Evening activities in the ger: chess and knuckle-bones

... and knuckle-bones

The metropolis of Arvaikheer

A real town: Arvaikheer (they have showers here!)

Typical ger in which we slept, by -35º Celsius

Typical ger in which we slept, by -35º Celsius

Goat milk is one of the most common drinks in Mongolia

Goat milk is one of the most common drinks in Mongolia

Typical Mongolian Ger camp

Typical Mongolian Ger camp; the meat is being frozen on the ger roofs

The camels

The camels

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The turtle rock behind the Erdene Zuu Khiid Temple

A turtle rock, once a boarder stone of Ghinngis Kahn's capital

Erdene Zuu Khiid (temple) door

Door at the Erdene Zuu Khiid (temple)

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Back in Ulan Bator

A well-deserved "Ghinggis Beer"

A well-deserved "Ghinggis Beer"

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