Photos Cambodia

East Cambodia & Mekong

North Cambodia & Angkor

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East Cambodia and the Mekong

Phnom Penh

Chhloung & Snuol

Sen Monoron


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Phnom Penh

In the national Museum

In the national Museum

Arty stuff

Arty stuff

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From Phnom Penh to Snuol via Chhloung

Pick-up in Chhloung

Pick-up in Chhloung

Chhloung colonial quarter

Chhloung colonial quarter

Sunrise on the Mekong in Chhloung

Sunrise on the Mekong in Chhloung

Petrol station in Snuol

Petrol station in Snuol

Fab going girly

Fab going local

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Sen Monoron

Monoron Waterfall

Monoron Waterfall

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Playing with Rendy and Plukje

Playing with Rendy and Plukje

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North Cambodia and Angkor

Trip in the jungle

Ta Seng & Preah Khan

The temples of Angkor

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Jungle trip through North Cambodia - Thala Boravit to Ta Seng

Flat tyre

Flat tyre

Is there a place left for us?

Is there a place left for us?

Crossing the river to Ta Seng

Crossing the river to Ta Seng

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Ta Seng and Preah Kahn (Prasat Bakan)

Prasat Preah Stung

Prasat Preah Stung

Temple of Darmasala

Temple of Darmasala

Stolen statues

Stolen statues

Fab at the temple of the elephants

Fab at the temple of the elephants

Our guesthouse in Ta Seng

Our guesthouse in Ta Seng

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The temples of Angkor

Temple of Bayon

Temple of Bayon

Rendy and Plukje (de)facing the Bayon

Rendy and Plukje (de-)facing the Bayon

The famous sunset at Angkor Wat

The famous sunset at Angkor Wat

Fab and Cornelia in the temple of Ta Prom

Fab and Cornelia in the temple of Ta Prom

Lara and Indy in the temple of Preah Kahn

Lara and Indy in the temple of Preah Kahn

Garuda on the outer wall of Preah Kahn

Garuda on the outer wall of Preah Kahn

Detailed stone carvings on a doorpost

One of the detailed stone carvings that makes Bantei Srei famous

Ice grinder

Ice grinding for after school snacks...

In a village in the Angkor complex a village in the Angkor complex

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