
Find the sources of the images we've used to built the web-site.

The maps are quite accurate; however, the antique ones gave us sometimes trouble indicating our proposed route. We tried to be as accurate as possible but sometimes we cheated a bit if the exact route on these maps would suggest we planned to visit India or Tibet (Mongolia is tricky with that respect).

Another lovely thing on some of the elder maps is that decorations (such as blowing faces for wind directions) may take more space on the map than the maps themselves! Note that the publishing dates of the antique maps indicated below may be approximate; besides, some of the maps have been published several times, but in the end they're all different.


Home page

Whoo-Zoo pages

Adventure pages

Photo pages

Planning pages

Newsletter pages

Route pages

Archive pages

Livre D'Or pages

Gateway pages



Antique Maps

Recent Maps

Images & Illustrations

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The funny map of the winds used on the Index page and the menus of the Whoozoo, Gateway, Planning, Livre-D'Or is an anonymous 16th century drawing.

The frame used for the menus is based on
Hendricus Hondius - Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabvla (1649)
(Leen Helmink).

The photos used in the frame were made by Fab & Cornelia, except for Cornelia's picture, that comes from a machine on the airport somewhere on earth.

The various flags used throughout the site come from one internet site
(Flags of the World).

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Home page (Welcome)

The home-page used to welcome you is based on
Hendricus Hondius - Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabvla (1649).
It is the original map that comes in the frame we used in the menus.
(Leen Helmink).

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Whoo-Zoo pages

The map of the Whoozoo menu was originally taken from the Pittsburgh Zoo
(Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium).

The Whoozoo animals Fab, Cornelia, Plukje & Rendy were painted by Cornelia.

The photos used in the Whoozoo pages were all made by Fab & Cornelia, except for Cornelia's picture, that comes from a machine on the airport somewhere on earth.

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Adventure pages

The map on the adventures menu is taken from
H. Scherer - Repraesentatio Totivs Orbis Terraqvei Cvivs Partes, qvae vmbracarent, Fide Catholica Imbvtae Svnt, Reliqvae Omnes Invmbratae Religionis Catholicae Expertes Svnt (1700)

The map of Europe is
Hendrico Hondio - Europa, Exactissime Descripta (1649/1661?)

The map of Russia is
Abraham Ortelius - Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae (1570)
(the map collection of the UVA, (The Netherlands)).

The map of Mongolia is
Jodocus Hondius - Tartaria (1631)

The map of China is
Ortelius/Georgio - Chinae olim Sinarum regionis, nova descrioptio (1570/1588)

The map of South-East Asia is
Abraham Ortelius - Indiae Orientalis insularvm que Adiacientivm typvs (1595)
(Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Library).

The map of Indonesia is a part from
Mannevillette - Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental (1753)
(Leen Helmink).

The map of Australia is
Lapie - Océanique Centrale (1812)

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Photo pages

The map on the Photos menu is taken from
Nicholas Visscher - Orbis Terrarum Typus de Intergo in Plurimis Emendatus, Auctus, et Icunculis Illustratus (1657)

The map of Europe is
Jacques Chiquet - L'Europe (1719).

The map of Russia is
Jansson The Elder - Tartaria (1617)
(Heritage Map Museum).

The map of Monoglia is
John Rapkin - Thibet, Mongolia, and Mandchouria (1851)

The map of China is taken from an illustration based on
Theodore De Bry - De-scriptio choro-graphica reg-ni Chi-nae (1628)
(Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Library).

The map of South-East Asia is
Abraham Ortelius - Asia (1609)

The map of Indonesia is
J.H. Colton - East Indies (1855/1857)
(Heritage Map Museum).

The map of Australia is
Aaron Arrowsmith - New Holland (1820)

The photos used in the Photo pages were all made by Fab & Cornelia, during the trip.

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Planning pages

The clock on the Planning menu is a 200 yen wristwatch from Japan. The mechanics didn't survive the scanning event.

The map of Europe is
Abraham Ortelius - Europa (1609)

The map of Russia is
Guiljel & Ioanne Blaeu - Rvssiae (1645)
(Blaeu Atlas (Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, sive Atlas Novus in quo Tabulæ et Descriptiones Omnium Regionum, Editæ a Guiljel: et Ioanne Blaeu.) ).

The map of Monoglia is
Abraham Ortelius - Tartariae Sive Magni Chami Regni (1592)
(Heritage Map Museum).

The map of China is
Rigobert Bonne - Empire de la Chine, Rme de Corée et Isles Du Japon (± 1770)

The map of South-East Asia is
Jacques Chiquet - L'Asie (1719).

The map of Indonesia is
Jaques N. Bellin - Parte Dell´Oceano Orientale che contiene le Coste di Tunquin e della China Le isole del Giapone le Filippine Moluche (1746)

The map of Australia is
Jacos - Ocean Pacifique feuille 3 (± 1850).

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Newsletter pages

The Ptolomean map of the world is
Waldseemuller - Typus orbis descriptione Ptolemaei (1507)
and is the known first map that shows the world completely, this is, including the Americas

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Route pages

The map on the route menu is taken from
Willem & Johan Blaeu - Nova et Accvratissima Totivs Terrarvm Orbis Tabvla (1662)
Atlas Major sive Cosmographic blaeuiana ("de Grote Atlas van Europa / Blaeu" Columns Books, Leeuwarden).

All route maps come from one site
(CIA Fact book).

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Archive pages

The map on the archives menu is taken from
Sebastian Munster - Das Erst General **haltend die Beschreibung und den Circsel des Gantzen Erdtriche und Märe (1574)
(Leen Helmink).

The map of Europe is
Sebastian Munster - Evropa Prima Nova Tabula (1540)
where Europe is upside down

The map of Africa is
Abraham Ortelius - Africae Tabula Nova (± 1570)
(martayan lan).

The map of Asia is
Henrico Hondius - Asia recens lumina cura delincata ...(1649/1621?).

The map of Oceania is
Justus Perthes - Australien und Polynesien (1850)

The map of the Americas is
Abraham Ortelius - Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio (1571)
(Donald Heald).

The photos used in the Archive pages were all made by Fab & Cornelia except for some of the pictures of Rondonia, Brazil, that have probably been taken by Oscar or Milcar, Cornelia's colleagues at that time.

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Livre D'Or pages

The guestbook on the adventures menu and the guestbook pages is
"The Poetical Works of Henry W. Longfellow in two Volumes. Vol. II", Bernard Tauchnitz, Leipzich (1856).

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Gateway pages

The Gateway and all images on the Gateway pages were painted by Cornelia.

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